Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rip Van Winkle

What a Waste!

I'm not a sleeper. I don't take naps, I go to bed late and wake up early. I'm too afraid I'm going to miss something.

When I'm stressed, I can't sleep, when I'm angry, I can't sleep and when I'm happy, I definitely can't sleep.

I guess this is where we can also apply Road House.
"I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead." Oh how I love Sam Elliot. He's such a sexy mother f-----.

I married a sleeper. He used to take naps after he got home from work, but not anymore. The poor guy is tired all the time.

How can you sleep? There's so much to do, so much to see, so much to learn. Why sleep?

Okay, this is my short post. I'm off to school.

~Live Happy.


  1. This must be the ONLY way we are complete opposites. I LOVE naps, and I can sleep for 12-14 hours at a clip.

    I stay up wicked late [4-5am] But I sleep till noon!

  2. Becca~ Yeah, I think most people do. I understand I may possibly be the odd man out here.

  3. I used to be a sleeper, but I'm not anymore. Now I'm a zombie....

  4. Take advantage of it! When you get older you're happy if you get 4 hours! I am convinced that it's the main cause for my getting older :)

  5. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep or could get by on just a few hours, but I just get so darned tired. I sleep about 6 hours at night and take a 10 min. to 1 hour nap every afternoon. It feels so good to sleep, but I hate that I'm using that time when I could be getting stuff done.

    Hope you join us in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post on Monday May 2nd.

  6. Love it! Just found your blog through the A-Z challenge and I adore how you have it set up. new follower- waves- Have a fairy good day!

  7. Some of us just need more than others.

  8. I'm not much of a sleeper either. There's so much to see out there!
