Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One More Time

I think I'm ready to try again.

It has been hard to post because so much has gone on since my original blog was "taken." Long story and not very interesting but it was the final blow for me. I was losing faith in myself and my writing and when I logged into my blog one day it wasn't there. And to no avail, I tried to get answers as to what happened but I received no response. Anyway, here I am and trying again.

This will be much easier knowing I have only one follower so far. (Love you Mel).

After I lost faith in myself I decided to go back to school because I didn't think anything would come of my writing after doing so much with it for two years. I went back and earned my AAS in Paralegal Studies. One of my many passions is law. I have no desire what so ever to be a lawyer, I want to be the person behind the scenes doing the actual research, investigating, interviewing and work. I have no desire to stand up in a court room and plead my case.

Needless to say, I graduated in May of 2012 at the age of 39 and I have been looking for a job since, with no response. This could be because the only area of law that I really want to work in is criminal defense and they are the lowest paid attorneys on the planet and many can't afford a paralegal, so not many hire paralegals, but I am no longer willing to do jobs that I don't like just to receive a paycheck.

But because of this, it has been a major blow to my self confidence. And all I really want to do is write. It always seems to come back to that. Unfortunately I have no faith in my writing.

None the less I have decided to give it another go.

I have become completely withdrawn and isolated and this my attempt to bring myself out of it before I go completely insane. I will fill you in daily to bring us up to date as to my trials and tribulations in the last couple of years.  Hopefully this can clear my head so I can get back to my book and doing what I love.


  1. I love you too. And hello, please stop listening to that voice of self-doubt. M'kay?

  2. You're the best Mel. For so long I could curb that self doubt but it has really kicked my ass as of late. I'm doing some things to get motivated and moving again. I'll tell you all about it here.
