Friday, December 11, 2009

Government Bills

When I worked as an EMT for an ambulance company here in Illinois, our hours were cut and in prder to keep health insurance we had to make 35 hours every five weeks. For some of us that wasn't possible because of the cuts. Why were our hours cut you ask? Because as an ambulance provider we take care of everyone, and transport whomever needs to be transported. (Which is everyone). We rely much on the government to pay the bills that they are responsible for as far as health care for the elderly or disabled go. They provide medical insurance for the elderly and those who can not afford traditional health insurance. Well, it turned out that they owed the ambulance company that I worked for over two million dollars and had not paid ion over a year. As a result, the ambulance company eats that until they are paid. They could not afford to keep employees full time, so they cut our hours.
Now, I just heard that a nursing home facility is going to be closing because the government owes them four and half million dollars. They are not paying them either.
This is not an example of the government taking care of its citizens. But yet they gave the banks billions of dollars in bailout money. I don't understand this logic. Can someone please explain it to me.

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