Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It's Me Again

Hello again, my loyal blogosphere friends.
Since my last post I have been hard at work trying to figure out this whole school thing. Schedule, homework, studying, tests, kids, husband, finances, free time...ya know, that whole chestnut.

I took on four classes, which makes me a full time student. I didn't think four classes was a big deal, I thought it would be a breeze. Well, let me tell you, it's much harder than I thought it would be. College is different than high school, not that I was ever present in high school, but none the less, it's different.

I have taken tons and tons of classes over the years. As most of you know, I have been a licensed esthetician, a licensed EMT and went halfway through medic school and took on-line writing courses, but taking classes to get an actual degree is a whole different ball game. I love, love, love it though.

As I sit in my classes, I realize how absolutely backwards I have lived my life. I'm okay with it, don't get me wrong, but man A LOT of these classes would have been helpful before I had kids. Like my Logic class for instance; learning about all the different types of arguments that exist would have been a tremendous help while my son was growing up. How to be logic, how to reason and how to be heard. But to be honest, this form of logic makes no sense in the real world, but it's fun. 

When I started school, I took a break from writing and reading all together, well, except for my academic writing class, and academic writing is entirely different from writing articles and books. There's commas galore! It's ridiculous. And you have to treat your readers like complete idiots. Absurd! But, I wasn't sure if I would ever get the feeling back to want to finish "my book".

Every time I come to my adored 'A Muse In My Pocket', I would feel guilty, as if I should be studying or something, so that's what I would end up doing. Like right now, I really should be learning about conversions, obversions and contrapositions. And if anyone out there knows anything about logic, please let me know, I could use some help. But, I have seen you guys continue to come and comment even though I haven't posted in a hundred years and it kept everything looming up front, so thank you, thank you, thank you.

What actually prompted me to come here and finally post was a book written by Ethan Hawke called Ash Wednesday. I was reading through the excerpts that they post on Amazon and it brought back everything that I had been doing before I started school. My mind started reeling with all the things I want to write. I felt excited about it and willing to pick up the pen again.

So, I was eating my Entenmann's chocolate frosted donut with a cup of coffee warming up in the microwave and the feeling of wanting to write again overwhelmed me. It felt possible all of a sudden to write my book while I'm in school. I know that I have had that choice all along, but it actually felt obtainable and like a great idea.

I also know that I have missed you guys terribly. I miss our *conversations* and reading and commenting on all of your blogs, I miss knowing what's really going on with everyone.

I apologize for this rough draft of a post and the fact that it may not make a whole lot of sense or be very interesting for that matter. It's not even close to everything I want to tell you guys, but it's a start. I'll fill you in little by little as to not bore you with an excruciatingly long post. But seriously, I have to study a bit before the anxiety eats a hole through my stomach. I just wanted to get something up here and to let you guys know I'm alive, well and back.

~Live Happy


  1. Welcome back-

    Keep working hard. So glad it makes you happy. Cheers~

  2. I'm glad your enjoying school! And don't look to me for any help with logic, I learned all I know from Spock! :)

    Thanks for keeping us updated!

  3. Wow. I'm impressed!

    Logic and kids? Those two things don't go together.

  4. Huzzah!! You're back!! I'm so glad to know that all is well. I actually did most of my writing while in school. I think it had something to do with the fact that I had less time to write so I wrote whenever I got one second of free time. You'll find your balance and be even more of a superwoman tha I know you are already! :D

  5. Wow. It's good to hear from you! So you're going to work on your book, right? I hope so. You really are a very good writer.

    I'm glad you're able to post on my blog. Part of the reason I changed it to its new bland brown color was because it seemed to speed it up considerably.

    I wish you all the best in school. I did far better in college than I did in high school, even though I was still drinking and using heavily. Maturity, or a lack thereof, was my biggest problem in high school. I solved that by spending four years in the Air Force first.

    I'm so excited for you. :)

  6. Welcome back ~ glad school is going well for you!

  7. Nancy~ thank you. It's great to be back.

    DL~Spock is quite brilliant! Thanks for coming by.

    Piedmont~I wasn't sure if I would find my way back for a minute there but I'm glad I did.;)

    Reforming~No those two things definitely don't go together but man...if I knew then what I know now...

    Hannah~It's so great to see your face! It is amazing how the more we do on a daily basis, the more we can do
    on a daily basis.;)

    Terry~Yes I am getting back to work on my book. I'm excited about it again.
    I noticed that my blog moves slower with the template I have also but I like it too much to take it down yet. If I start getting complaints I'll consider it.
    Yeah, I barely remember my high school days, so much of what I should have learned in h.s. to prepare me for college is non-existent in my brain and unfortunately what I learned on the street is really applicable in school; or anywhere else for that matter. But I'm glad to be back and see your face again.

    Dawn~Thank you, it's great to be back.;)

  8. Hey Gina!

    Good to see that you're back! Can't wait to read more of your awesome writing.


  9. It's nice to see you blogging again. School always comes first, and YAY to you for going back. Send me some of that motivation!

  10. RC~ It is so good to be back and I can't wait to get back to writing. By the way, I love that picture of you. It makes me smile everytime I see it.

    Drama Mama~ It took me forever to get that motivation. It was more like the pain was outweighing the pleasure, so I figured I had to do something but I'm so glad I finally got here. It's good to *see* you again.

  11. Having problems with my Google Accounts just testing to see if this works.

  12. I know how it is when you have different aspects of life making demands on your time. And then there's your blog and the other writing that remind you that they're there and still waiting. :) It ain't easy fitting everything in.

  13. Im so happy you're doing well. Im glad you did NOT force yourself to try and handle everything at once. And Im proud of you for finding the balance you need. Love you woman!

    here's to finishing school AND your book.

  14. That's the good thing about writing, Gina: It's always there for you, just like a good, well-trained dog. It's loyal, playful, accepts your love...always, grows when you feed it, always comes home, barks when strangers get too close, and never, I mean never, pulls you down and drags you through the mud while walking. Occasionally, however, it craps where it shouldn't...no worries, though.

    So, I guess what I'm trying to say is this: your dog is welcome in my home anytime!



  15. Good for you! Glad to hear you're taking classes. I have a feeling you will always go back to writing. It's in your blood. You can't help it, like the rest of us.

    Do what you gotta do, we'll be here when you get back.


    BTW, I've moved my blog. You can find it here: Random Chick Blog

  16. I do so miss red phone boxes - how did you find so many?

  17. Dave ~ I'm really good at finding things. ;)

    I haven't forgotten about my lovely blog friends, hopefully you haven't forgotten about me. The semester is almost over and I'll be here regularly for about a month until the next semester starts.

    Love you guys.
