Saturday, October 10, 2009

Amazing community for drug addicts

This is quite a long video but it only takes watching half of it to fully understand the compassion and understand what some cultures have. I can only hope to be more like this. If the United States could develop something like this, which they can because ANYTHING is possible, we would be much better off in society as a whole. Although, we would have to make the life of a human being more important than money. Check it out.

Does anyone have any ideas or comments on this type of community and aid?


  1. I have been around a lot of rehab facilities for our youngest daughter who has struggled with addictions for 13 years...the last three of which were with heroin injections.

    The treatment that changed her...and taught us both more then we imagined was quite different.

    It was basically a naturopathic approach to healing addiction.

    I know, that sounds all voo doo like, doesn't it.

    But the treatment plan this facility offered was something very, very different then the other four she had tried.

    They tested everything from hypo-gly to hormonal imbalance to food sensitivies and allergies to what food additives can do in the body of someone who is chemically sensitive.

    I saw miracles at this facility.

    And I actually found it with the assistance of a Canadian Naturopathic College's Dean of addiction.

    I'm not sure what you're seeking but if I can give you information I will be glad to do so.

    I write very little about this...but I do have one December post on my blog about my daughters is called What a Difference a Year makes and is in the blog index.

    This is a tough, emotional subject for me but if I can help you I will be honored to try.

    Hugs and hope from Arizona.

  2. ~Thank you Jenny for your comment. I have done some research on that type of recovery and it seems to be quite successful and natural. It also seems to be the best way to allow a human being to be them selves and understand what they are going through instead of making them feel as if their is something inherently wrong with them.
    But I guess each person is different and it's nice to see that there are so many doors opening up to those that need to recover from drug addiction. It is not a "one size fits all" addiction and it's about time they're coming up with new and creative ways to recover.
    I'm on my way to check out your blog. ;)
