Monday, November 2, 2009

Individual Power: What's Happening in Your Community?

Imagine this...If each city took responsibility for itself what a wonderful world it would be. I was watching a report on Human Trafficking last night on MSNBC. I have been doing research. compiling information and conducting interviews on this subject matter. Come to find that people not only don't know about this modern day sexual slavery but people won't even accept that it's a reality once they are informed. I have found most individuals want to leave everything up to our government and claim powerlessness. WE ARE the government. We are the ones in charge. The government works for us but no one seems to want to take on that responsibility. It's easier to lay the problems of the world on someone else and then bitch and complain about how they aren't doing anything about it. Here's the thing, we make the rules. Each city has the ability to have their own sets of laws. If we individually take responsibility and take action in our own communities, collectively we would be a united country. No one wants sex slavery going on in their community so I can confidently say that we as individuals have the absolute power to overcome this. It is because we put it on everyone else that this country is such a mess. Take your power back and make a difference! 

The city of San Francisco has taken it on themselves to run out the traffickers. They have put in place a set of laws for massage parlors and the employees. The health department does surprise inspections consistently at these "parlors". Only to to find women that are being held against their will and made to conduct sexual acts for money. You can read more about Human Trafficking at my website under the writing samples. The mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsome talked about this issue and how he sees people deny or look the other way and put the blame on the women and child victims of this crime. He is addressing the issue and getting the community involved. He also has a CARE NOT CASH program implemented for the homeless. This is yet another person who supports getting involved and take action as opposed to taking the easy and ineffective way out by just throwing money around. I don't live in the San Francisco Bay are or even California for that matter but I love this guy. The more I learn about him, the more I like him.

I will be holding a fundraiser in the near future for The Barnaba Institute, which I will have more information at a later date. I am still in the process of all the red tape.

There are also many movies and documentaries about Human Trafficking that I have found to be quite informative if your not a big reader and I do allow my daughter to watch these films so that she is educated and knows that this type of thing happens every minute of every day. I believe this is one of those healthy fears for our children to have. I would rather educate them as opposed to a trafficker educating them first hand.

My point here is, we are the ones in control! We have to start paying attention to what is going on in our own back yard because that is where we can make the difference. We have to be a strong united country before we can start helping other countries. If you have a problem with something in your community, with your credit card rates or the price of gas, stop blaming whoever it is you want to blame and look in the mirror. It starts with you. You have control of your environment.
How do we do this? One city at a time. Yours. Get involved. Start with showing up at your park district or village hall. Wherever it is that they hold monthly meetings for your town. If each community takes care of itself, then collectively the country will be united.

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