Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jenna Jameson on Oprah

Did anyone watch Oprah this morning? Her guest was Jenna Jameson, the number one porn star in the industry. I am curious to know how people feel about what she was saying about the industry and how she portrayed herself. What do people think of this sexual industry?


  1. Personally, I love Jenna Jameson. I am not a porn freak, or anything even close to it, though I will admit I have seen her in a porn scene or two in the past...

    I have seen her in many interviews and a few Biography type shows that have only strengthened my support for her.

    She has always been straight forward and a business woman before a Porn Star. She treats herself, her name, and her profession as a business, a Brand, and (from what I can see) has never compromised her values to make a buck. ( don't think that she ever needed to!)

    Though I would not want to go into the same industry as Ms. Jameson, I would love to have the intelligence, strength and the commitment that she has had throughout the years, as a base to create my own powerful company! Kudos!

  2. The above comment should have been from a different ID.. lol. I haven't used OneKnot in years...

  3. Hey Daria. Thanks for stopping by. She is pretty awesome. I'm not a porn freak either, but I believe she has kept her dignity as much as someone can in the industry. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She set a goal, achieved it and can now retire at an unfathomably young age. Amazing!
