Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I am absolutely disgusted with our prison system. I am pretty disgusted with many things about this country of barbarians. For being such an arrogant country we sure are uncivilized. Not to mention greedy and power hungry.

Having done some research on prisons in other countries, we should really be ashamed of ourselves. Ashamed that we release these people back into society after abusing them and treating them like animals. I'm not say8ing they don't deserve to be locked up, but what I am saying is that they will eventually be released onto the streets where we walk! Doesn't anyone think about the importance of rehabilitation?

I mean these people are in there because they clearly couldn't live by societal rules and laws. Has anyone ever thought that it might be conducive to implement a program or many, that would teach these people some skills and how to be civilized members of society.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the budget, yattah, yattah, yattah... Bullshit! If we would spend more money on education and rehabilitation, we would have more money in the long run due to less recidivism and more children that are educated and able to live successfully.

What in the hell is the matter with the people running this country? I'm so sick of all the excuses as to why we can't care for our own citizens! And I'm sick of hearing about how much worse other countries are. It's not true! There are many other countries that are well ahead of us and have been for quite some time in caring for their citizens.

I'm also sick and tired of hearing about how there are countries that are so much worse off than we are. Sure there are, but there are many that are much better. Many. And how dare we go into another country and force them to listen to us and do things our way, when we can't even manage our own.

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