Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I think my brain is melting

Happy Tuesday to all my wonderful friends. It is Tuesday right? Well, I think I jinxed myself by talking about my neighbors because since I posted that it's been cold and rainy here. No opportunities to even sit outside in my lush-ness. I have been pent up inside my house for a few days now and not very happy about it.

I do my best to keep my spirits up but the weather really affects me. I just read a blog that had an interesting way to keep her juices flowing and I seriously think I'm going to try it. She listens to music and keeps glow sticks around the house. If you have to ask what the glow sticks are for, let's just skip it.

I have also been reading another blog lately and she breaks writing down into such simple steps that it actually makes it enjoyable to try these new ideas.  The newbies should check it out or maybe those of you that are looking for something new.

I have started to kind of revise my WIP only because I became stuck. Stuck for too long. I felt that I was far enough through to go back to the beginning to do some editing and revising. Besides, what did I have to lose? It has helped to get me excited again and I've changed things up just a bit. I swear it feels like this thing is never going to be finished.But I will persevere no matter.

Yesterday was a blow off. I had nothing. I mean n-o-t-h-i-n-g! So I decided to paint. I had to force myself through the resistance. I am so glad I did though because I love what I did to the box yesterday. And as a result I got a well spring of ideas. Unfortunately not for writing but enough to finish this piece.

I'm finding this is usually what happens to me. I get excited and things are flowing and I am able to write and write and write. Then...I run out ink or something. And then I check my e-mails obsessively to see if anyone has sent me anything new, or I check to see if anyone critiqued my chapter, or to see if I have any new followers and when I find nothing, I get a tad bummed. My head can take me to strange and daunting places sometimes. I'm just sayin'.

I am also reading piles upon piles of books. I'm reading to read, but I'm also reading to learn about structure. This was suggested to me by a fellow blogger and probably my best internet friend (Terry), so I have been making notes in my books and highlighting like crazy. Oh well, I guess it can't be fun all the time...


  1. It sounds like we are in pretty much the same place. For some reason, I've been unable to write anything other than pure crap for about three weeks now. I don't know if it's writer's block, or something else. I'm planning on blogging about it today. Maybe. :)

    It sucks, though. I guess I ought to take my own advice and just start reading until my muse sneaks up on me again.

    It's funny how this writing thing is so up-and-down, isn't it?

  2. May inspiration strike in every moment....or something like that.

    Good Luck!

  3. Reforming Geek~ Thanks. I need all the luck and inspiration I can get.

    Erica~ Thanks for coming by. I loved your blog.

    KLM~ I actually found the brain after I wrote the post, but it is kinda cool isn't it? And Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom rocks. I love that idea!

  4. Gina, you are not a lone. Not one bit.

    "I'm finding this is usually what happens to me. I get excited and things are flowing and I am able to write and write and write. Then...I run out ink or something. And then I check my e-mails obsessively to see if anyone has sent me anything new, or I check to see if anyone critiqued my chapter, or to see if I have any new followers and when I find nothing, I get a tad bummed.

    I do this exact same thing. Almost word for word. I think the way around it is...practice. I posted this in a comment on Hannah's blog. Writing is just like anything else in life, you have to practice at it to be any good. We all have those romantic visions of sitting down at the computer (or with pad and pen) then the magic happens. It just flows and you furiously try to keep up with the words your head. Sometimes this happens but, mostly we're staring around the room, Googling "help me write this!", going on Facebook, picking our noses because we need to practice so our brains can figure out we're trying to be creative here!!

    It sounds like I got it all figured out, but I have no clue really. This is what I've heard and read by writers both super famous and completely unknown. It's all about putting the nose to the grindstone even though it's painful. And I hate it...and love it.

    How f*cked is that?

  5. You're right about the weather, it can play havoc with my moods. I'm not a big sunshine guy, but when it's gray and dreary it's tough to get thing moving. Hang in there, the pendulum will swing back, it always does.
