Tuesday, June 1, 2010

30 Days of Commitment

I have put myself on a thirty day plan with help from my coach, in writing out a list of five goals that I have for myself to see some sort of physical manifestation. I have found a common denominator to be that of money, finance and business. This is one area of my life that has always been lacking. And guess what? I'm the problem. I'm the one who has been standing in my own way. I want to change this. I really do believe that we can be what ever we want to be regardless of where we came from. Although, I also believe it is of utmost importance to remember where I have come from. That being said, I have had to do alot of inside work in order to change my beliefs about myself and what I deserve and I hope that I'm ready for this commitment. 

All of these goals are written loosely. I am just not the personality type to really conform to a strict set of guidelines. But I do need something to look at, work toward and gauge my progress.

Becoming a part of this writing group has given me a new found sense of enthusiasm. The fact that people are reading what I have written and helping me to better that which will be my book. Not to mention, being able to read others works in progress is also a great tool for me to learn from. 

~I am committing to writing/posting a chapter a week to my writers group for critique.
~I am committing to finishing this box that I am painting to be ready for sale.
~I will continue to write and submit articles, but at least one a week.
~I am to research a freelance company so that I can find regular and steady work.
~I would also like to reach 100 followers here.

Simple and obtainable I believe.  And it starts today, June 1st, 2010.

And as promised, here's me as a blond.

~Live Happy


  1. Goals that are level headed and reasonable are key...and those seem to be in that category. Good luck to you!

    Becoming blonde made a bigger difference than I imagined. Me likes!!

  2. Good for you! Sounds like you know what you're doing. And I like the blonde -- sexy!

  3. As I imagined, you look great in blonde! :)

    It's good to write down goals. I have yet to put mine on paper. I'm afraid I'll actually have to abide by them if I do. Ha! I'm not kidding.

    Dear Shoes,

    Please say you come in a size ten.


  4. Goals are so important. Good luck achieving them!

    Have you looked into DemandStudios.com? I do some freelance work there and it's pretty awesome. Just a thought. :o)

  5. Excellent goals, Gina. I'm really looking forward to our writing group. I, too, plan on submitting a chapter a week of my new novel (probably on Fridays) for critique.

    You look good as a blonde. :)

  6. LOVE the blonde on you!

    Your goals are totally obtainable, and I really believe in writing them down (as you've done here). I think it gives them more power.

    Good luck!


  7. Great goals you've set Gina. I'm sure you'll make them.

    And you look stunning as a blonde! Va va voom!

  8. Whoa! Blonde is a good color on you! Can't wait to read your stuff, and we'll keep you on task. Only if you keep me on task...hee hee!

  9. DL ~ Thanks for your continuing support. It means the world to me.

    Piedmont ~ I don't know that I know what I'm doing, but what the hell, we only live once right? And I love the word sexy, especially when it's applied to me. Thanks. ;)

    E ~ Thank you and I just sent in my application to Demand Studios about ten minutes ago. Keep your fingers crossed.

    Terry ~ I am so psyched about this group. I'm about to submit my next chapter too. I'm thinking my day will be either Tuesday or Wednesday. Thank you for your honesty and hard work there. It keeps me going and enthusiastic. Seriously. For real, for real. Thank you.

    Lola ~ Power to the written goals! Thanks for coming by, it's good to see you again.

    Marty ~ I hope I make them. Damn it! I will make them! Thanks for the compliment. I needed a little Voom in my Va Va.

    RC ~ Thank you. I didn't want to let you down on your Marilyn vision. And I'll keep you on task, if you let me. I'm on my way to RITM now. Maybe I'll see you over there.

  10. Gina, I believe that as long as you have goals, hope and optimism you will be able to achieve anything you want in life, keep being strong and all your dreams will come true.

    Thoughts of a Career Woman

  11. Oh honey you are gorgeous! I love that photo of you.

    "I have had to do a lot of inside work in order to change my beliefs about myself and what I deserve and I hope that I'm ready for this commitment."

    Wow. I really need to work on the way I think of myself.

  12. Hannah ~ Oh, thank you. Yeah, I hate writing things down, but I told myself that it was okay to mess up every now and then. And yes the shoes come in a ten, I'm sure. Aren't they awesome?! I got 'em at DSW and they were on sale. I totally scored!

    Laura ~ I sure hope so. I've been working at this thing a while.

    Mel ~ Thank you, thank you.
    I think most of the population needs to work on themselves in one way or another. But I guess as long as I do it, I'll be okay.

  13. I can back to drool over your shoes!

  14. OOooops! Good lord I'm so not ready to type today. That should have read

    "I CAME back to drool over your shoes!"


  15. Great goals you've set Gina. I'm sure you'll make them.
    PPC Advertising India

  16. coming by from the tea party. i know what you mean about getting in your own way...believe me. normally that is fear based. good luck on your goals.

  17. Mel~ Aren't they fabulous? I love the little zipper on the side.

    Nishant~ Thanks and thanks for stopping by. I hope it wasn't just to advertise. ;)

    Dina~ Thanks for coming by and following. You're right, fear based. But I just keep walking anyway.

    Tightwad~ Thanks for the advice. I'll apply right away. And thanks for coming by and following.
