Friday, June 11, 2010

Story Graveyard

Where do all of the unfinished stories go? Is there a story graveyard? Is there a place of limbo while they're being shelved for another day? All of the characters just sitting there waiting, wondering if we'll come back for them while we work on a fresh new story with new characters. Do they feel betrayed and cheated on? Do we ever get back to them?

Maybe I can take all of my unfinished work and recycle it. Give it some time to marinate while I work on a new project and if nothing comes within an alotted amount of time, I could pass it on to someone else who isn't so close to the story and maybe they could finish it. Seen from a fresh perspective maybe my darlings will have a chance to get out there in the world to be read and learned from.

Where is all of this coming from you ask? Well I'm glad you did.

As I was riding down Sheridan road the other day working on a local motorcycle travel article, Shay popped into my head and morphed into someone completely different. The story just came flowing out of me. It hasn't stopped since Wednesday. I have been writing writing like a mad woman and the new Shay is pretty damn cool. It's nothing I would have expected but it appears she didn't want to be what I wanted her to be. She is strong and confident, not confused and victimized. She has great style and doesn't care what anyone thinks. She doesn't worry about what will happen, she just takes risks and can't wait to see where it takes her. She has total trust in the process of life. And she has this one crazy, cool quirk that I simply love about her but I'll have to do some research on it because I don't know much about it. I'll fill you in on that when the story is a little more developed. I've got pages upon pages of ideas for chapters and I actually have a beginning and an end. I can sum up in a paragraph what it's about and all of the shiny details and back story are brewing as we speak. I guess what I'm doing is considered an outline. Never thought I'd do one of those.

On another note, I'm also taking a trip. I will be going to the Boundary Waters in Minnesota/Canada. I'm torn between  looking forward to it and not looking forward to it because I'm scared of bears and cold weather but I love adventure. But like what's his name said in the movie "Without A Paddle," I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to out run the people I'm with. (Hilarious movie by the way, one of my favorites).

I'll have pictures and hopefully some great adventurous stories to tell. But who knows.

Until next time...

~Live Happy


  1. It is a wonderful thing when a character tells you what they are really like. My number two character kicked the MC out of the way and took over the story. :\ I'm glad she did.

    It's great that Shay is such a confident strong person. Those make the best characters. Don't forget to ask her what her weaknesses are. She has to grow. You can't improve on perfection.

    Live happy...I like that. :)

  2. That's great about the new Shay. It sounds like your having fun with it, which is never a bad thing.

    Look forward to your trip...adventure is in your blood!

  3. Wow, sounds like the story is coming along nicely! God, I love those moments of pure creativity. It's like one of those rushes from back in the day ...

    When I was 13, I went on a canoe trip with 17 other teens and two adults for two weeks to the Boundary Waters. We left out of Ely, Minn. It was one of the coolest trips of my youth. You'll love it. It's so beautiful up there. :)

  4. Isn't it great when a story (or character) compels you to write?
    I love that feeling.
    Have fun on your trip!

  5. I love it when characters kick you in the head. Mine has just done that as well and it's leading me into a whole other realm of possibilities for the future of my MC.

    Have fun on your trip. Sounds like a great time.

  6. JJ~ Thanks for stopping in and thank you for the tip. I need all I can get.

    DL~ You're so right, adventure is in my blood. It seems like it's been so long since I've been on an adventure.

    Terry~ Yeah, I just hope the flow keeps on.
    We are also leaving out of Ely Minn. My daughter will be with us, which always instills fear in me. Just the typical mom fears, but I'm sure we'll have a good time.

    Lydia~ It is absolute bliss when something else compels me to write. It gets tough going on pure determination sometimes.

    Piedmont~ Good, maybe the energy is taking a turn for the better here in BlogVille. There was a depressing trend going on there for a while. It's kind of cool the way all this happens.

  7. Oh, I love it when characters take the lead. It makes everything feel so much more exciting. The words flow without hesitation. *sigh.

    I may have to friend you since this is already my second visit to your blog. ;)

    Have a great day,

  8. Glad to hear about the Shay character development. Sounds like things are happening in your story and that's good. Have a great trip!

  9. RM~ Thanks for following. I love it when people jump on board.

    And yes, it makes things much more exciting when the characters participate. I just hope she keeps it up, she can get a little ornary sometimes.

    Marty~ Thanks Marty, I'll have pictures and hopefully some good tales to tell.

  10. My heroine morphed too. She was whiny and dark, now she's much more flexible and has a sense of humor. I found out that guys especially don't care for women characters who are defeated and lost.

    Good for you finding the new Shay.

  11. I once read that getting away from your writing and pursuing other interests is what we need to get the creative fire going again.

    Good on you.

    Stopping by from Lady Bloggers Society.

  12. I love that Shay has taken on her OWN identity now. So whatever you are doing keep doing it, because if the words are flowing DO NOT STOP!

    And I do hope you enjoy your adventure.

  13. I love when stories morph into something different. Mine have always stemmed from the same idea though so I don't lose it.

    Minnesota is awesome...and not just because I live here. :)

  14. Ohhhh! I hear you on the spiders. We have giant cane spiders over here...they are so big, they look mutant. YIKES! Pam @ Sallygoodin
