Saturday, January 2, 2010

Freezing and Lethargic

Okay, I need some warm weather, sunshine and a beach. It's one degree here. I loathe the cold. I'm already sick of doing projects in the house.
I gave snow skiing a shot because we thought that maybe if I enjoyed a cold weather sport, it would make the winters a little more bearable for me. Well, I'm here to report that there's not a chance in hell. Sure it was fun, but I hate the cold. My goal is to move somewhere warm eventually.
We're going back to Daytona in March but it won't be here soon enough.
I made a commitment to myself to post everyday. I apologize for the lameness but I've not much to share today.


  1. I just got done writing about my commitment. Haven't posted it yet. This should get interesting we'll have to see where we both go with it. Hee!

  2. I'm not a sunshine person, but I too hate the cold and NYC is cold right now. I have to get some plastic to put over my drafty window. I'm already counting the days till spring gets here.

  3. Let's see:

    1. Freezing? Check.

    2. Lethargic? Check.

    I'm with ya.

  4. My cat's water bowl in the garage is frozen solid; it's 63 in my living room; and I'm wearing sweats, a hoodie, and really thick socks...Yeah, it's a tad bit cold.

  5. I have to say, you guys are quite awesome. It's makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one who hates this shit. Thanks for commenting on the crap too.

  6. Daytona? It's been cold here for the past couple of days... Well, in March you may be in luck - but yesterday my living room was 62 degrees. What I have heard is that today (outside) is only supposed to get to the low 50's! Of course, the weather people could be wrong! =)

    Anyway, thank you for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it!

  7. I'm thinking 50 is better than 1, when were talking about weather. But I know that's cold for you guys.
    I can't wait until I'm disappointed about the weather being 50 in the winter. I can still strap on the leather gear and get on the bike.
