Monday, February 1, 2010

Dinner of

I went to my neighbors for dinner on Saturday night. She invited three other couples and then there was her and her husband. We were getting together for his 47th birthday. He'd never celebrated with a party for his birthday. K told me that he walked into the kitchen one night and said, I want to have party and this is who I want there and that's it! So we were priviledged enough to be two of the six that were invited.

We had a blast! Each of us is so different and from such different backgrounds that you would think the only other place to get such odd characters together would be a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

Geraldo is from Brazil and still carries a heavy accent. He has been a music teacher and in a band forever, I guess. He moved here to the states about 35 years ago and met his wife Roberta who is an art teacher on the west side of Chicago. Lester is from Nicaragua and came here about 15 years ago to marry his now wife Kate. She went to Nic for -----, they met and lived together and survived for about a year there. She had to come back to the states and told Lester to come with and marry her. He said it was a tough decision, but he did it. Left his family and country behind in hopes of a better life. Kate was adopted when she was a baby therefore is not sure of her nationality. I just call her the hawaiian eskimo, cause that's what she looks like to me. He just turned 62 years old and is the best friend of Lester

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