Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Addiction to reading and writing

Here's the thing. I can't seem to stop compartmentalizing my life. I am calling this WIP fiction because it is based on my life and if my memory serves me correctly, it doesn't serve me correctly. Everything I am writing is based on my truth to the best of my ability and perception. Perception is a tricky thing as I'm sure you all know.

I have four separate documents going, they are all the different phases of  my life and then there's Shay.
My life really did go in phases as I look back. Each and every one of them was a life time. I have been to the dark side, the very dark side and I found my way out. And the funny thing about that is, I didn't even know it was bad until I started crawling out of the muck. I lose my breath sometimes when I think about it. For the grace of...

Anyway, I am at the B&N right now posting this. My intention was to pick up Bird by Bird and here I sit with four books in front of me. Now, I have four at home to read, one of which I am a beta for and it is top priority. I will not touch read any other book until TDYDK is finished. I promise.

I am usually pretty good about writing down the books I have found that I want and purchasing only one from the bookstore. I then go home and buy them from Amazon or B&N because I can read the purchased book while I am waiting for the others to ship. This time I can't. I have to have these books.  I own the Stephen King: On Writing Horror, but now I want On Writing.Why? Because I started to read the first few pages and realized how similar our lives were in some areas. And he's one of my favorites. The other one is also by Stephen King, Bag of Bones. I keep hearing about this book and how good it is. There it was sitting on the shelf waiting for me to pick it up and take it home. How could I resist?

I'm not buying the other one, so it's not even worth mentioning.

I have been able to write about 3,000 words so far this week. It wears on me to recollect a lot of my past so I have been fairly easy on myself this week. Even though I can't decide exactly how I am going to present this piece of mine I am writing.

That's it for now. I'll post more later. Maybe.

Love you guys.

~Live Happy


  1. I tend to do things all over the place. I'll have 5 or 6 books going at a time and I also write more than one project at a time. I've taken to writing separate blogs for my project so as not to lose my train of thought on each.

    I'd say from your post that while we live in the present, the past does intervene. It's a balancing act to stay in the present.

  2. Bird by Bird is a quick read, and once you read it, you'll see why I recommended it specifically for you. It's hilarious, moving and, well, very familiar. You'll see.

    As far as TDYDK: Take your time. I appreciate anything you can do, and will certainly be happy to return the favor once you're ready. But do what *you* need to do first, of course.

    Oh, and "On Writing" is wonderful.

  3. You will not regret buying On Writing. I promise

  4. I know exactly how you feel. My current WIP is very dark and I have to build myself up before writing a scene. Take all the time you need. Sort out all your thoughts.

    My memory is so spotty and there are a ton of things I repressed from my dark days. Luckily, I have a very understanding, nonjudgemental soul to listen to all my woes as I'm remembering bits and pieces.

    I love Writing Down the Bones and have yet to pick up Stephen King's writing books although they are on my list but if I purchase another writing book, I'll get lectured. ;)

  5. I like very much Stephen King also, I have read so many of his books, I really love the suspense and the horror books, I am nor a writer, even when I have a blog, but in my profession i am always doing a lot of things at the same time, I think the key is being multitasking.

    Thoughts of a Career Woman

  6. You are truly accomplishing more than you know by separating your thoughts. At some point it will all become clear as to how to bring it together.

    I have started a new book this week (a non-fiction work) titled Your Best Journey. I've managed to get about 20 pages done in two nights. Not bad for having a toddler running about.

  7. I have Stephen King's On Writing and its The Best Book - EVER. Seriously.

    GET IT. Read it - you will LOVE it!

  8. Joy ~ It's funny you say that because it is all about balance.

    Terry ~ Thank you for thinking of me. You are quite thoughtful whether you think so or not.

    Falen ~ I'm hoping I can walk away learning at least one thing.

    Pal ~ My mind can be quite hard on me sometimes, but my heart is quite forgiving.
    Writing Down the Bones was one of my first reads as far as the 'how to' writing world goes. It was wonderful.
    And I know what you mean about being lectured on those writing books, I had to sell my husband on the idea of why I NEEDED them.

    Laura ~ Multitasking is good. And I love reading your blog. You always have such interesting and insightful topics.

    Kellie ~ That isn't bad for having a toddler running around.

    Mel ~ I'm reading away. My big fear is that he's going to tell me I'm a terrible writer or I'm not meant to be one. That would break my heart.

  9. I was just talking to someone recently about Stephen King's On Writing. It is by far the best book on writing I have ever read. And it's an interesting read on top of it. Well worth having in your library.

  10. A good chunk of my current WIP is based on my past so I can relate. Of course, I'm weaving it into a fiction so that it's pretty much untraceable... *Mwahaha*

    I have "On Writing" sitting on my shelf. Hopefully I will get to it in the near future. If only I hadn't borrowed so many books from the library... hehe.

  11. Honey, you were BORN to be a writer.

  12. I'm glad you're not worrying on how to present the writing just yet. Write it and it will present itself. Good luck, Gina!

  13. G.
    Sorry I missed this post somehow. I agree your were meant to write. The past is a quite contrary thing happy, sad, dark and light it all is there for your taking.
