Monday, April 5, 2010

As you guys may know already, the sum of all my parts make me up as a whole. On some days, some parts  function more emphatically than others. Today, thankfully, it seems to be the part of me that really wants the world to work together so that everyone wins. It is possible you know?
What I have realized through this writing journey, is that we need a hook. A hook. Everyone needs to be hooked. Humans are programmed to need a hook. What is the first question when starting anything? How can I hook people? It's how we get people to buy stuff. And then ultimately form some sort of addiction because when when we're initially hooked, it feels good. And then, we continue to look for that initial feeling so we become obsessed. And then comes greed.

What is wrong with providing a service without a hook. What would happen if we just did what our hearts told us to do and gave what we had to offer without coming up with a plan to "hook" people. What if we allowed the people that are supposed to receive what we have to offer just to show up without "hooking" anyone? There have been many times that I have read a book without a hook, simply because I could identify or or because I thought the content was interesting in some way.

What if I titled a book simply because it fit or because I liked the title. Because it represents what I think the book should mean or means to me? Not because I want to "hook" people but because I wnt to share with people?

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