Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just a thought...

Yesterday as I was riding the shovel (that's my motorcycle) down Sheridan Road, a long, winding, beautiful road that runs parallel with Lake Michigan and runs all the way into the city of Chicago, I had a revelation. A revelation that there is something out there.

But I also came to the realization that "it" isn't working with me, I have to work with "it". It doesn't work for me either. "It's" just there, waiting patiently for me to show up and take action, think positively and be kind. Through this, I will build momentum.

It's like sitting there in front of a big blank canvas. It doesn't matter how long I sit there and stare at it, it will still be a blank canvas offering nothing. It doesn't matter how much I talk about doing it, pray that it will get done, or will it to be a beautiful piece of art, it will still be a blank canvas.

I have everything I need to make it colorful and expressive; paints, paintbrushes, water, a palette and the canvas. Without me, these things will just sit there. Lifeless. Blank.
Until I physically engage with the tools around me and pick up the brushes, dip them in the paint and apply it to the canvas, it will remain a blank canvas. I have to do the work. I have to smear the paint. Then I have something to share.

I know, I know, you're all like, Duuuhh...but I already told you, I'm a little slow sometimes.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that little thought with you. That's it that's all.

~Live Happy


  1. Exactly right. Well said, Gina. And sometimes, "it" sends Eskimos .. :)

  2. Weird...just too weird. Read my newest post on my blog.

    Something is happening. And it's very cool.

  3. Terry~ Eskimos? You'll have to explain that to me. I hate that I don't get that.

    RC~ Okay, I'm on my way.

  4. The way of the Tao is "action through non-action." Whatever "it" means to you.

  5. I don't think is weird or slow I think you are sharing with people what is in your mind, everybody make reflexions about their life and their aspirations.

    Thoughts of a Career Woman

  6. We all have our slow moments but as long as we're slowly moving forward, even sideways is good, we'll be just fine. :)

  7. Women Awakened~ Is that the same thing as 'the spoon really isn't a spoon'?

    Laura~ No really, I can be a little slow at times. But yes, we all go through periods of reflection and revelation.

    Mel~ Of course you are!

    Pal~ Sideways? Hmmm. I never thought about it from that angle.

  8. Ah....very comtemplative today. I love the photo.

    May inspiration strike!

    Thanks for stopping by my place.

    I love your word of the day widget.

  9. Reforming Geek~ Yeah, may it strike like lightning.

    Ricky~ Welcome. I love Yoda. He's so wise. That saying is written on my office wall in chalk.

  10. Thanks for the life tip.

    As an old Taoist, it fits perfectly with what I needed today.

    You have a very nice blog!

    May I blogroll you?


    Found you by way of Ricky Shambles.

    Until I physically engage with the tools around me and pick up the brushes, dip them in the paint and apply it to the canvas, it will remain a blank canvas. I have to do the work. I have to smear the paint.

  11. Suzan~ Glad to help and thank you for following AND commenting. I love that because now I can go check your place out.

    And of course you can blogroll me.

  12. Exactlyodo, Quasimodo. We all have to make our own good luck, it usually doesn't fall into our laps. Sometimes it does and be grateful when that happens, but in the meantime make your good luck happen by doing something that moves you forward. It's a simple thought and we all need to remind ourselves of it from time to time. Thanks for reminding me, Gina!

  13. It doesn't even matter if we know something or have heard it a million times. Until the epiphany actually happens,the words are just words.

    But,I agree completely with your epiphany.

  14. Epiphanies don't necessarily mean you keep the realization front & centre. Sometimes you have to have them more than once...doesn't make you slow, lol.
