Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Life Coach

Hello to all of you. I've missed you so.

Okay, so, for the last six weeks I have been working with a life coach. Something I have always wanted to do, but would not allow myself the luxury. 

As of late, an opportunity was presented to me and I jumped at it.  
It has been an eye opening experience and it is not for the faint of heart.  Or the lazy.

Being willing to take responsibility for our lives and our actions is a must in this process. 
Being open to suggestion and then applying it is a must (if change is to be made).  

It is freeing to know that I am in control of my life, regardless of the past. The past is all an illusion. It's gone. I can change my mind at any time and start over at any moment in my day, no matter what! How frackin' great is that?!

Kellie, at Women's Life Link, has been absolutely wonderful. She has such a kind and gentle voice. I feel no judgment at all when I talk to her. She has helped me in more ways than I thought would be possible. More ways than she probably knows. 

I guess this is why they call it a Life Coach. It can be life changing. It has helped me get through some blocks and barriers that I have been struggling with for most of my life. But here's the catch; you only get out of it, what you put into it. 

I have realized that I have to be completely honest with her if she is going to give me the direction that I truly need. If I'm not honest, the only person I am hurting is myself. So, it only benefits me to tell the truth. 

This is definitely a 50/50 relationship. I give her information, she gives me direction based on that information. I apply the direction that is given to me and then we talk about it on our next scheduled call. Accountability. Yet another wonderful motivator for me. 

My attitude has changed, my perception has changed, therefore, my actions change and then my reality changes. Quite simple, but not easy. 

If anyone would like to give her website a look, you can find it here.

Well, that's all for now. 

~Live Happy


  1. That is absolutely AWESOME! You seem so at peace with the direction your heading, which is never a bad thing. I follow Kellie's blog and she is a wealth of insight and uncluttered observations. I'm happy for you!!

  2. Good luck with the Life Coach, sounds like a great idea. Keep us updated!

  3. What a lovely positive post.

    Such a good idea having a Life Coach. All the best with it :)

  4. Glad you're back posting! While I've never had a life coach, I've been through some fairly intensive counseling and therapy over the years and it was liberating. Very liberating.

    The hardest thing for me was always to quit blaming others for my shit and start taking responsibility for my own actions. Since I started doing that, I feel far more at peace with my past, present and future.

    Sounds like a good thing you're doing. Perhaps you can tell me about it someday.

  5. Gina,

    You are such a sweetheart for saying all those wonderful things about me and our work together. You have given back 100% to me as well. The experience has also changed my life.

    I love working with you because I know that you are committed to positive change and stretching your boundaries farther and farther each week.

    Thanks for sharing your journey coaching with your readers.

    Much love,


  6. "I can change my mind at any time and start over at any moment in my day, no matter what!"

    I love that! LOVE that!

    So very empowering!
